Title: Framing the challenges of European agricultural research – Innovation, stakeholder involvement and the supply and production chain.
The XXVII EURAGRI Conference was held in Vilnius September 29-October, 2013.
Please download the programme here
- Zenonas Dabkevicius: Presentation of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
- Philippe Baret: The Complexity of Innovation Systems and Transition Processes – Søren Mikkelsen lecture
- Nikoforos Sivenas: HORIZON 2020 and EIP – Innovation and Stakeholders’ Involvement
- Martin Köhler: European Diversity – Hurdle or Driver for Innovation
- Piotr Golinski: Agricultural research – innovation and its dissemination in Poland
- Carole Crumley: Introduction to breakout session – European cultural and geographic diversity
- Gerald Boyle: European diversity – framing the challenges and identifying the opportunities for innovation – panel discussion
- Uno Svedin: Summary of the conference
- Mind map
- Notes from breakout session 2 – Diversity of end-users