Title: Long-term strategic agenda for research and innovation in agriculture, North – South partnership at stake
The XXVIII EURAGRI Conference was held 28-30 september 2014 in Montpellier, France.
- Albino Maggio: JRC Foresight on Global Food Security
- Elke Saggau: Towards a new SCAR Foresight Exercise
- Florence Jacquet: ArimNet and ArimNet 2
- Francois Houllier: Research and Innovation in Agriculture – North-South partnership at stake
- Jean-Luc Battini: Agricultural research and global challenges
- Krijn Poppe: AKIS III – how will AKIS develop
- Stefano Bisoffi: A live synthesis of the key messages
- Wayne Powell: The need for Reform of Agricultural Systems in both Europe and the South
- Xavier Riescher: Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Sebastian Abis: Challenges for the future of Mediterranean Agriculture
- Uno Svedin: EURAGRI Workshop 12 June 2014
- Notes: Break-out session 2