Hosted by Teagasc 11.30 -13:00 CET 3rd December 2021
Reflections on the Glasgow COP26 conference and negotiations
During the COP26 in Glasgow new obligations were negotiated to meet the Paris agreement of 1.5 degree
Celsius. An important part of the commitments deals with the agri-food system, both green and blue. The
challenges to be met in connection with the agri-food system also include land-use patterns, energy
production and distribution, and the financing of the transformation in relation to private actors and public
EURAGRI invites you to reflect on COP 26 outcomes, as well as voices, interests, and demands raised and the
resulting research and innovation needs.
• Prof. Gerry Boyle, EURAGRI: Introduction and moderation
• Prof. Davy McCracken, SRUC: Nature Based Solutions, PPpresentation
• Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Senior Consultant, Perspectives Climate Group: Carbon Markets, PPpresentation
• Dr. Simon Oosting, WUR: Sustainable livestock systems and Methane, PPpresentation